Adult Asperger’s Video 8. Living in a Bubble – Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Do people with ASD have empathy?
Of course! In fact, according to 2009 study people on the spectrum have more empathy than neurotypical or “normal” people!
What causes ASD and could it be something from our past?
ASD is not caused by emotional trauma, neglect or upbringing. The research is clear – ASD is a “developmental disorder due to a dysfunction of specific structures and systems of the brain”. In other words: it is no one’s fault.
I don’t fit in – what should I do?
Embrace being unique; enjoy being yourself! BUT if you are bullied you must report this to the authorities, communicate with your friends and family.
How many people are affected by Asperger’s?
According to the research between 0.36% and 0.71% of the world’s population is affected; which is around 68 million people. So, we’re certainly FACTUALLY, not alone.
I have no friends – what do I do?
Change your behaviour and do things that might be temporarily uncomfortable so that you will start to make friends. Take responsibility.
How do I deal with loneliness?
You need to get out into the world and change your environment. Do it in small steps. Small steps will make a big difference and then build from there.
Is ASD the same as autism?
Asperger’s demonstrates some of the foundation traits of autism. ASD is considered to be on the “Autism Spectrum.” ASD, Asperger’s and autism involve a neuro-biological difference in how information is processed and integrated. A lot of this is just words to describe the same type of condition, which is “Autism Spectrum Disorder”. This sums it up nicely: “HFA is an informal term applied to individuals with autism, an IQ of 80 or above, and the ability to speak, read, and write. HFA may simply refer to autistic people who have normal overall intelligence; that is, are not cognitively challenged.” (National Institute of Health News)
Will I be alone forever? What if I want a partner?
If you don’t want to be alone you won’t be. There are 7 billion people on this earth. Somewhere in there, is a number of people who would work well with you and a number who would LOVE to be with somebody like you.
Can ASD Be Cured?
There is currently no cure for ASD. But do you want one? I would not want to change with a “normal” person. My friends have far more issues than me.
I’ve read a lot of bad things about ASD online… are they true?
Disregard the lot! The people that write this nonsense are often bitter and twisted people who use ASD as a way of projecting their own inadequacies. If you want the truth, you need to get it unadulterated, unbiased and delivered in a professional way. Start with the NAS, the NHS and official sources.