Bread and Circuses By Tone Kralj at the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia

I travelled to see Bread and Circuses By Tone Kralj at the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia. Come join me there too. Welcome to Art, Culture & Travel with me, Anthony King.

The museum tell us: “Tone Kralj was a true Renaissance man as he worked in the techniques of painting, sculpture, printmaking, and drawing, and was also skilled in architectural planning and interior design. His artistic expression was always centred on the figure. Initially, his figures were part of expressive, vehement compositions in darker colours. Over time, however, he introduced a more vibrant colour palette, the shapes of both subjects and objects became more concrete, and his expression, with its socially critical themes, moved closer to the style of New Objectivity. His figures thus became increasingly monumental and sculptural”.

By Anthony King (c)