Female Nude by Philip Andreevich Malyavin at the National Gallery Of Slovenia

I travelled to see Female nude by Philip Andreevich Malyavin at the National Gallery Of Slovenia. Come join me there too. Welcome to Art, Culture & Travel with me, Anthony King.

Filipp Andreevich Malyavin was born on October 22nd 1869 in Orenburg Oblast, Russia. He was trained in icon painting and studied under a Russian realist master called Ilya Repin. Unusually, he came from a lowly peasant background which was very unique for Russian artists at the time. He exhibited his work in London, Stockholm, and Nice in 1935 and 1937 after touring and showcasing his work previously in Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, England, and Sweden in 1933. He painted another painting; the very famous “Whirlwind” which we’ll visit in a later video but today we’re looking at Female Nude which he painted in 1910.

By Anthony King (c)