Nude by Nikolaj Omersa at the Podgorica Museum and Gallery in Montenegro

I travelled to see Nude by Nikolaj Omersa at the Podgorica Museum and Gallery in Montenegro. Come join me there too. Welcome to Art, Culture & Travel with me, Anthony King.

Nikolaj Omersa, a celebrated Slovenian painter and illustrator, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1937. He was born on the 3 December 1911. This oil on canvas was painted in 1958. He faced internment in various German camps, including Dachau, during World War II. Post-war, he began his career in education, teaching initially at grammar schools in Ljubljana and later at the School of Arts and Crafts. Eventually, he became a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. He liked painting landscapes, expressing a special fondness for depicting the picturesque scenes of Ljubljana and the very beautiful Piran.

By Anthony King (c)