Portrait of a little girl by Drago Durović at the Podgorica Museum and Gallery

I travelled to see Portrait of a little girl by Drago Durović at the Podgorica Museum and Gallery in Montenegro. Come join me there too. Welcome to Art, Culture & Travel with me, Anthony King.

Drago Durovic was born on March 29, 1923 in Titograd, now known as Podgorica which is the capital of Montenegro. He died March 30, 1986. The Yugoslavian was a sculptor and painter. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1951 and travelled to Italy and France. He took part in exhibitions showcasing contemporary Yugoslav art both at home and overseas. His works were featured in displays by the Association of Fine Artists of Montenegro and the Union of Fine Artists of Yugoslavia. Notably, he exhibited at the 1962 Exhibition of Contemporary European Artists in New York. This piece was created in 1974.

By Anthony King (c)