Portrait of a Man in Red from the Royal Collection at Hampton Court Palace

In this episode, we’ll be visiting Portrait of a Man in Red from the Royal Collection at Hampton Court Palace in England. Welcome to Art, Culture & Books with me, Anthony King.

Portrait of a Man in Red is a painting by an unknown painter in the style of Hans Holbein the Younger. It’s estimated to be dated around 1530 and 1550 and to depict Henry VIII of England. We do have the information submitted when this was acquired by the Royal Collection on the 20th August 1662; “object stated in reference as: Acquired by Charles II in 1660 from William Frizell at Breda (List I no 21) as Holbein of Henry VIII when young; recorded in the Queen’s Gallery at Hampton Court in 1666 (no 24)”. Hampton Court Palace was one of Henry’s favourites.

By Anthony King (c)