The Founding of Australia 1788 By Algernon Talmage at Tate Modern in London

In this episode, we’ll be visiting The Founding of Australia 1788 By Algernon Talmage at Tate Modern in London. Welcome to Art, Culture & Books with me, Anthony King.

The Founding of Australia 1788, 1937 Oil paint on canvas was painted by Algernon Talmage who was born in Oxfordshire, England in 1871. The Tate tell us that ” This painting was commissioned for the 150th anniversary of the landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove under the leadership of Captain Arthur Phillip. Six of the eleven ships were convict transports. The purpose of the voyage was to establish a penal colony, which later became the city of Sydney. Phillip was appointed by the British authorities as the first Governor of the New South Wales colony, which began the British colonisation of Australia”.