Woman at her Toilet By Edgar Degas at the Tate Britain in London

I travelled to see Woman at her Toilet By Edgar Degas at the Tate Britain in London. Come join me there too. Welcome to Art, Culture & Travel with me, Anthony King.

Edgar Degas was born on July 19th 1834 in Paris, France. In case you were wondering, the word toilet in this context translates as ‘dressing room’ in French. This Charcoal and pastel on paper was created in 1894. The Tate tell us; “This work shows a woman at her toilette assisted by a figure to the right. Degas provides little detail in the scene. Instead, he focuses on the formal and structural aspects of the composition. The soft form of the active central figure contrasts with the heavily outlined shape of the immobile maid, generating an energetic visual tension.”

By Anthony King (c)