High School in Križanićeva Street By Antun Masle at the Zagreb City Museum in Croatia

I travelled to see High School in Križanićeva Street By Antun Masle at the Zagreb City Museum in Croatia. Come join me there too. Welcome to Art, Culture & Travel with me, Anthony King.

This oil on canvas was painted in 1939. The museum tell us that the school complex in Križanićeva Street was built 1932. If you visit the street now you will see that it’s almost the same to this day and I believe that the building is still a college. Although this is a very simplistic painting it’s got great colour and is a very good piece of art. Antun Masle was prominent in Dubrovnik where he was born in 1919. In fact, some of you might remember his work from when I visited Dubrovnik in a previous video.

By Anthony King (c)